Race Day Guidelines Wings Marathon

Bib/Kit Collection on Race Day:

You will collect your bib number one hour before the start of your event. So, surely keep one hour spare of parking your vehicle and bib collection.
The t-shirt will be given with a finisher medal, after the completion of your run.

Event Day- 25th Dec, Sunday


GNIOT Group of Institutions, Plot No. 7, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida.

Location pin:



- Reach 60mins before your respective race starts.
- Collect your bib and start your run. It’s a timed run and you will get results by net-time.
- Full Marathon participants must carry a head torch as you may have to run in darkness (if road lights are not working) for the first hour of the run. Or use a mobile phone torch.

Category wise Start Times:

Full Marathon, 42.2Km (at 5:30am, cut off time 6hrs, only 1 u-turn at 21.1Km)
Half Marathon, 21.1Km (at 6:00am, cut off time 3:00hrs, u-turn at 10.5Km)
10Km Run (between 6:30am, cut off time 90mins, u-turn at 5Km)
5Km Fun Run(at 7am, non-timed, u-turn at 2.5Km)

Water Stations:

There are 7 water stations on the route i.e. 2.5K, 5K, 8.5K, 11.5K, 15K, 18K & 21.1K. The aid stations will have first-aid, water, energy drink, fruits and race related snacking items. Bring your own sippers in case you want to carry water. We’ll be serving water in disposable cups.
There will be Km markers and volunteers to guide you on the route and at every turn. The route is marked in such a way that there is a rare chance of getting strayed off the route. Still, be careful.

Baggage, Medal & Goodies:

There is a baggage counter in the assembly area. Don’t leave valuable items in the bag.
Runners may either keep their baggage in the car or deposit it at the baggage counter. If you are leaving your baggage and other stuff in the car, keep it in the dashboard or boot of the car. It should not be visible if someone is peeking into your car.
Every finisher will get a Medal, t-shirt & Timing Certificate. Breakfast will be served in the assembly area.

Race Results & Photos:

Your race timings will be available at https://racemateindia.com/event-results
Check your photos at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100045447302508&sk=photos
The link to check Photos by bib numbers will be available soon at https://www.honeysnapshots.in/search/index


The fastest 3 males & females in each category will be felicitated with trophies. There is no Cash prize.

Parking & Toilet:

Carpooling is highly recommended. Park your vehicle on the sides of the road and cooperate with volunteers who are there to assist so that you park your car safely.
Toilets will be available in the assembly area.

Queries related to event may be addressed to support@coachravinder.com

Always prefer to check the event website http://www.wingsmarathon.com/ for authentic & first-hand information.
All disposables are biodegradable. Dispose all the trash, disposable glasses and bottles in the dustbin. Help us keep the race route clean.